DevOps Engineering Internship (JobId 7368)

This project aims to automate security checks and ensure compliance with security standards and policies in a DevOps environment.

Theme : Development
Category : Domains
Total Openings : 1000
Estimated Time : 2 months
Technology Requirements
Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Docker, Kubernetes,Git
  1. Define Policies: Collaborate to define security policies and standards.
  2. Select Tools: Research and choose security tools and technologies.
  3. Integration: Integrate tools into DevOps pipeline, automate security checks.
  4. Compliance Monitoring: Continuously monitor for compliance.
  5. Reporting and Remediation: Generate automated reports, establish incident response procedures for vulnerabilities and non-compliance, ensuring a secure and compliant DevOps environment.
Start Date
End Date
Offer letter, Certificate, LOR
Internship Type